E4| Kyle Micallef; How You Can Improve EVERYDAY: CrossFit Gym Owner's Guide to a Sustainable Business & Life
About the episode:
In this new episode, Setting the Pace sits down with the CrossFit Gym Owner, head coach, and athlete, Kyle Micallef. We discuss what it takes to run a business and the mistakes you learn the hard way, how to turn a passion into your full-time job, what it takes to grow a community as an introvert, how to hire the right coaches, and balancing work and love.
0:00 Intro
03:50 Overcoming Self Doubt
05:30 Journey to CrossFit
06:50 What is CrossFit?
08:18 What CrossFit is not
09:30 Different variations of CrossFit
10:00 What matters in the gym
10:45 The mistakes I made through CrossFit
12:00 New approach to CrossFit
13:17 Guiding people to the right way to fitness
16:10 Does CrossFit make girls bulky?
18:30 Kyle's mission
20:50 How to choose the right gym
22:00 How to get everyone moving
22:30 How to get better every day
25:40 Putting pressure on myself to be the best coach
27:05 How to find work you love
30:30 Putting money secondary to his passion
31:10 Why you need to put yourself in uncomfortable situations
31:50 What you tell someone starting a new business today
33:50 Is it harder to start a gym now?
34:34 People know what CrossFit is now vs. 15 years ago
35:15 Why educating people on CrossFit matters
35:53 Is age just a number when it comes to the gym?
37:20 20-year-olds with arthritis
38:00 Why old people are in homes
39:55 Exercise is 100% as you get older
40:40 77-year-old woman who lifts 85kg
43:18 How to establish your workout baseline
44:10 What is it like training your parents?
47:40 What's it like being an introvert and a business owner
50:30 Why would people want to come to a gym where the owner is an introvert?
52:00 Coping with not being a morning person
54:40: How you created a community at the gym
56:00 How to create equality in the gym
1:00:02 How to create a high retention rate at your gym
What's it like working with your partner?
1:10:00 Marriage is not always the answer
1:17:00 Social media vs reality
1:18:50 Tips on staying focused and not being a slave to your phone
1:23:00 Kids in the gym
1:25:00 Closing questions
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